One More Thing...

One More Thing...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

From Me to You (A List of Likes)

White socks
Lavender fields
Hiding in plain sight
Hide and go seek at night
Snow falling through a streetlight
Tasting through the steam off of tea
Puncturing the skin of an orange
Drinking juice from a wine glass
Taking time to tie shoes
Piano concertos
Wearing a suit
Midnight cereal
Cold showers before bed
The sound of a door unlocking
A symphony of ticking pocket watches
The smell of a pack of gum after there's none left
Sitting at sidewalk cafes long after I've finished my drink
Reading the directions on shampoo bottles
Climbing a tree until you can go no higher
Holding a pizza on your lap in the car
A head resting on my shoulder
Windowless rooms
Sweet perfumes
Holding hands in the dark
Hearing a far-away dog bark
Launching bottle rockets twelve at a time
Touching one of everything in an aisle at the supermarket
Spending hours on a meal only to watch others enjoy it
Being face-to-face with tomato soup
The taste of sterling silver
Looking up at a tree
Beheading a boiled egg
Trays designed for breakfast in bed
The cracking sounds of a new book being opened
Cleaning out the holes from a hole-puncher
Pulling the hairs off of black clothes
Crying in front of a mirror
Grinding pepper
Pacing in a public bathroom
Pretending I'm being followed
Stealing stirring straws from cafes
Jumping on ketchup packets
Being muddy
Creek water
Deep holes in old trees
Roots that come up from the ground
Building a model out of paper then setting it on fire
Thinking out loud while walking naked around my house
Slipping in the shower and catching myself at the last second
Pushing people around in wheelchairs while we talk
Having a hotel swimming pool to myself
Bed and breakfasts
Practicing faces
Punching through a wall
Flowers in unexpected places
Stars reflected off a pond in the woods
Running until I can't run anymore
Hidden passages in old buildings
Water washing away sand
Walking on thin ice
Sudden urgency
Southern sunsets
Slowly sinking into wet sand
Lying on the beach with a book on my face
When you can see a rainstorm from a distance
The second of blindness after a camera flash
A silent film in a crowded room
Witnessing car accidents
Scaring my brother
Digging holes
White walls
Air dusters
Honey mustard
Watching someone fall asleep
Pretending to take notes
Dirt on my nose
Scavenger hunts
Catching food in my mouth
Burying something and finding it years later
Watching movies together
Sharing my world
Learning truth
Finding love