One More Thing...

One More Thing...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Todays Day Was A Lucky Fall

I was unreasonably happy this morning. I'm not entirely sure why. Also by now I've mastered and standardized my morning routine. Get out of bed, take a piss, take vitamins and assorted medicines, do 50 push ups, 50 squats, 200 reps of something, and 15 mins of stretching and/or taekwondo, pick clothes for the day, take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush teeth (because why would you brush your teeth before you eat and get them dirty again?) I also do the same thing in roughly the reverse order at night minus the shower and breakfast. Today we went shopping at a local mall with my family and female cousin. We went into a shoe store because apparently my boots aren't appropriate for anything but hiking. I spend 5 minutes finding a pair of shoes I like but my father takes 45 mins trying on different shoes before he can finally pick. I distract myself by admiring the beautiful women around the store and one of the clerks who I keep catching longingly staring at me. Yes you're very beautiful miss but your enlgish language skills aren't up to snuff. Anyone who can't say "suede" with a certain amount of conviction loses points. So we leave and have lunch at a cafe. Do I have mustard on my shirt or something? Why do people keep looking at me funny? Oh well this salmon is delicious. Yes two shirts that make me look like a hipster. What else? Plaid. Whatever they look nice. Moving on. AGH MORE GORGEOUS WOMEN. Yes those fitted trench coats suit you very well. Moving on. They let dogs in here? Oooh a candy store! Your cross-eyed. A basement outside? Okay its 5 o'clock. Checking the inheritance at IGN. Lady behind the counter looked like a rejected oompa loompa. Nicest bathroom attendant! And was it bring your kid to work day? "Don't you want to be a bathroom attendant when you grow up?" "No, I want to be a pony" Way to dream big kiddo. Forgot to tip. Going home now. Asleep again. Haha I said "home" i meant "temporary foreign residence" Goodnight all. PS: Just got grades back: AABAA. Don't know how I managed to do that...