Red Sea salt blood flows through the tributaries in my mind. Allegro into the strings. The strings. I hear them across the water. Their waves push me ashore to a strange land where all that exists actually does not. And all people frozen in suspended animation. I can change them. The white, pale, statues bleeding from their now blind eyes. It makes me sad to live. I cry but I imagine the tears.
I walk on past. Past. Then on to the sunrise I see motion. Motion of an animal. Caught in the trap set by a dead man, I free it. But not because I wish to see its pain ended, but because its screeches of agony deafen me. It speaks to me. In a tongue I cannot hear. So I move closer. But again, I recieve messages garbled by the static winds.
I want to protect the animal. The animal follows.
Forever follows always at the same distance.
Believe the winds. Trust the winds. They can be cold and violent. But they push for a reason. They push to balance the world.