One More Thing...

One More Thing...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Todays Day Was A Lucky Fall

I was unreasonably happy this morning. I'm not entirely sure why. Also by now I've mastered and standardized my morning routine. Get out of bed, take a piss, take vitamins and assorted medicines, do 50 push ups, 50 squats, 200 reps of something, and 15 mins of stretching and/or taekwondo, pick clothes for the day, take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush teeth (because why would you brush your teeth before you eat and get them dirty again?) I also do the same thing in roughly the reverse order at night minus the shower and breakfast. Today we went shopping at a local mall with my family and female cousin. We went into a shoe store because apparently my boots aren't appropriate for anything but hiking. I spend 5 minutes finding a pair of shoes I like but my father takes 45 mins trying on different shoes before he can finally pick. I distract myself by admiring the beautiful women around the store and one of the clerks who I keep catching longingly staring at me. Yes you're very beautiful miss but your enlgish language skills aren't up to snuff. Anyone who can't say "suede" with a certain amount of conviction loses points. So we leave and have lunch at a cafe. Do I have mustard on my shirt or something? Why do people keep looking at me funny? Oh well this salmon is delicious. Yes two shirts that make me look like a hipster. What else? Plaid. Whatever they look nice. Moving on. AGH MORE GORGEOUS WOMEN. Yes those fitted trench coats suit you very well. Moving on. They let dogs in here? Oooh a candy store! Your cross-eyed. A basement outside? Okay its 5 o'clock. Checking the inheritance at IGN. Lady behind the counter looked like a rejected oompa loompa. Nicest bathroom attendant! And was it bring your kid to work day? "Don't you want to be a bathroom attendant when you grow up?" "No, I want to be a pony" Way to dream big kiddo. Forgot to tip. Going home now. Asleep again. Haha I said "home" i meant "temporary foreign residence" Goodnight all. PS: Just got grades back: AABAA. Don't know how I managed to do that...


  1. You should read The Unbearable Lightness of Being.
    If you pursued and slept with all these beautiful women you encounter you would be Tomas from the book, almost exactly.

    and congrats on the grades!
