Honey. Please honey don't go! Well she won't ever. I'll promise you that. You see, honey never goes bad. It stays forever in its warm succulent state, golden and soft. Today I returned to US. By rights I should be asleep right now due to the time difference but I just drank a hell of a alot of Ocean Spray and the sugar rush is keeping me from passing out. It's been a while so let me recap the past few days. More relatives. Visited Uncle Hans and Aunt Elsa who used to be fashion designers. Interesting because I just saw "The September Issue" on my plane ride back. Don't judge me, I was bored. Lies: I actually secretly still watch Project Runway. Let's just say it made the fashion industry seem alot less menacing when you had a fat man with a camera following around Anne Wintour all day. Anyhow they (Hans and Elsa) have a very nice house with many antiques and on more than one occasion was I tempted to pilfer something here and there. But morals got the best of me. DAMN YOU MORALS. They said the place was haunted by French ghosts. French. "Boo! I ave come to haunt you from ze grave!" I don't think that would frighten me very much. I once did very much believe in spirits and such things because I watched a little too much television in those days, but the explanation for such phenomenon is far too simple. It is memory. Lost souls that have been forgotten and still long to be remembered. But they themselves have left this earth and do not will it. It is your own mind that subconsciously acknowledges this presence and materializes it in some sort of "supernatural" event. We want these things to happen. We confabulate. CONFABULATE. Look it up... Our minds are more powerful than we think. That sentence had circular reasoning. Give that to an epistemologist. They would have a field day. A land of milk and honey. Moving on: we moved on to a Hilton Hotel. Not bad. I know my hotels too. I did work in one after all. THOSE WERE THE DAYS... Excuse me I was reminiscing. Well long story short my entire family got some sort of stomach virus except for me after having eaten at a Chinese Buffet and they are all still stuck in Holland except for me and my Father who was forced to return for work. So now I'm alone in this echoing cave of a building I call "home." The promised land. WHY IS IT SO FUCKING COLD! I love when my dad gives me money and says "Son, go do something useful with this" and then goes to bed. Was on the train heading to Hamilton when I hear the unmistakable laugh of an acquaintance. The laughter follows me. It haunts me. Like the French. AHA! Goodnight ... that honey on toast looks so good!
sweet sweet wild honey bee
ReplyDeleteeat up, eat up, eat up honey
mama i'm tellin you as sure as i'm standin here
she's my girl and that's why i'm keepin it now mama dear
no good will it do to stand there and frown at me
the girl's got my heart and my love's comin down on me
you know she's got the sweetness of a honey bee
wild honey
she got it on and stung me good yes sireee
with all the other stud bees buzzin' all around her hive
she singled me out single handed took me alive
well, can you, can you gonna take my life eatin' up her wild honey?
oh mama
she's sweeter
gettin' sweeter
sweeter, sweeter,
wild honey
let me tell you how she really got to my soul
it ain't funny
the way she makes me wanna sing a little rock'n'roll
there's nothing quite nice as a kiss of wild honey
i break my back workin' just to save me some money
so i can spend my life with her
sock it to me wild honey
honey wild honey shes mine
honey wild honey shes mine
honey bee