One More Thing...

One More Thing...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Crows Eat Meat

There is a darkness for every light. The Law of Conservation of Matter applies to all things. For every moment I am contented and happy, there is a soul out there in the world that is starved and despairing. It isn't fair. It isn't fair. And I live for the day. Carpe Diem. The phone rings. I am a sinner. HOW DARE I! The phone rings. I don't deserve any of your mercy oh lord... why can't I feel the misery? I pick up the phone and hear a man. What is this forced silence of emotion I build within myself? "Hello" Is this even ever worth it? "Yes I was just wondering if you could help me" I can hear you calling out but I CANNOT FEEL! "I've been feeling depressed lately and I've had suicidal thoughts" I want to help. I want to help. But nothing lasts. I say. KILL YOURSELF. I hang up the phone. This world is hell and heaven. If you see it to be hell, escape it. If you see it to be heaven, live it. I am stuck. I am the poet Virgil. I can only see with eyes and hear with ears. When I speak it is nothing worth saying. Full of lies. Full of lies. My world is beautiful in my mind. Is it a crime to try and make the world part of my dream? IS IT A CRIME TO TELL YOU FAIRY TALES? Is it a crime for me to be happy? It is. Right now, to be sure, there is a starving child somewhere in the world. Lost their way. Nobody who cares for them. And here I sit wallowing in my sickening self-pity. Just because I cannot SEE doesn't mean I cannot UNDERSTAND. For me to be happy under these extenuating circumstances is borderline insanity. Insanity. Insanity. I am human. I am human. It could have been me, me, me, me, ... me. It isn't fair. And you'll say "But you can't live life than way Clamence! You must smell the flowers as they are and not dwell on thoughts of destitution. We must live in ignorance of suffering!" But in your heart. In your own dark, disgusting, broken... human heart you know it to be true. So never call me. Never give me positive thoughts again. Your a fake Clamence. Your a fake. But you ACKNOWLEDGE IT! HAHA AND THEREIN LIES MY VICTORY! I acknowledge that I am a fake! I CAN SEE! I PRETEND AND LIE AND CHEAT! HAHA! I AM HUMAN AFTER ALL! But there are those... oh there are those that need to be judged and be brought to reality. Reality is not easy or hard. It withstands opinion. It is you! YOU! THE ACTOR! THE JANUS! YOU ARE A FRAUD! YOU ARE A LIE! You dare to live, dare to dream, dare to see without seeing! See without eyes! Sinners. Sinners the whole rotten lot of you... the world swarms with a walking feast for crows. Your corrupted bodies perfumed and hidden beneath sheer silks. The ravens will devour you. They will peck at the carrion. And men will cry. Until the birds come, my deluded ravings will have to suffice. I am the two-faced raven. Until the birds come. Run and hide. Run and hide. I am the two-faced raven.


  1. I feel like a tree stripped of bark by the mouths of many starved deer.

  2. I speak to God, but the skies are empty
