One More Thing...

One More Thing...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

New Beginnings

It snowed. FINALLY! In the twilight hours an epic battle took place. Balls of ice thrown like missiles. Meant to kill. Rhyming. Limeing. Brilliant. Getting cold then not feeling the cold. Onset of hypothermia? Who cares... THIS IS TOO FUN! Getting attacked by midnight walkers. A happy woman and two Jews, one short, the other tall. Well now I've been defeated. SURPRISE ATTACK! Run away! Warm again. Let's just say it and not make it interpretive. Does there always have to be beauty in writing? Poetry? Poetry is just a way people encrypt plain speaking. It' s a secret code we're meant to crack. Nobody actually enjoys hearing about your problems so we beautify them and recite them to ears open or not. Pretention. Illusion. Jealousy. Lust, hate, confusion, pity. ALTRUISTS MAKE ME SICK. You have no right to be nice. There's no reason. The world is dark. A new love was found today. A new inspiration for life. Of course, the life will die just the same. But perhaps my songs will be better this time around. And songs are what once kept legends alive. Bards. Sophists. My songs will let me live forever. But I can't do it myself. I need to love, be it requited or not. I dabble here and there. The flames that burn hottest always extinguish fastest. I've found a flame. Why was I wasting time for so long? Why was I looking for warmth in the fridge instead of the oven? MORON! Well, we all make mistakes...

1 comment:

  1. I get scared when I realize we share the same mindset sometimes.

    I, too, need to love. It's tiring. I'm taking a break from that, though.
