One More Thing...

One More Thing...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Sushi Incident

So the other day, as I have just recalled, another incident of inexplicable and fortunate chivalry occurred. As you may be able to tell by now, generosity and helpfulness are my two greatest indulgences. So I was in the infamous Cafe Le Broweur and decided to find myself some raw fish rolled in seaweed covered in rice. Otherwise known colloquially as sushi. Yes, it mostly does taste of plastic wrapped modelling clay, but I was hungry at the time and drenching it in sauce of soy usually does the trick. So as I was saying: I was in the queue all the while debating in my head whether I should retreat from the repungent odor of the sushi and the wretched looking monstrosity panting heavily behind me or stay strong and get the dead fish just to maintain the commitment I've made. Nobody could doubt my character. I STAYED IN THAT LINE FOR WELL PAST FIFTEEN MINUTES! Finally I arrive at the bar. Is there smoked eel? I don't see a sign. "Do you have Smoked Eel?" "Smoked Eel. Thank you." "What's that?" "Do I have a pen?" DO I HAVE A PEN? WHAT DO I LOOK LIKE TO YOU? "Why yes of course, would you like to borrow it?" The idiot has the brilliant idea of making a sign for the eel. USING MY PEN. I hand it over. Now the line has stopped. He starts to look for paper. I get my soy sauce. He's still looking. I head over to the soft-serve to browse. He's still looking. My god, they have strawberry! I grab a cone and pull the lever. Yellow? YELLOW!!?! Strawberry is supposed to be pink! Taste. For the love of all that is holy... it's banana. I hate banana. What's that? Oh yes, he's still looking. Oh wait, he's found the paper. Yes good. Only three letters. E...E...L. Well done. "Why you are very welcome, have a good night" Yes, that was I who lent him that pen. Yes, I carry around pens. I am a charming Janus. My character cannot be doubted. And I take my bow.

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