One More Thing...

One More Thing...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Prometheus Made A Mistake

This morning I saw through my clouded eyes my roomate Etienne Patric Montpierre (pictured left). I took note of his position in the room, the glazed look on his face, and the time of day (10:47). The I fell back into unconsciousness. Then (11:22) I observe from my horizontal position the light streaming in for a moment and with a bang it disappears. Etienne has left. Back to sleep. (12:34) I awake to the sound of knocking. I have a good idea who it is. But I don't want to answer. I get up. Disrobe. Lay out the clothes for the days trials. I escape the room. Well LOOK WHO IT IS. Want to go to Le Broweur? Damnit. Let me clean myself first. How could I deny a beautiful woman? Well, I could... easily, and so we play the game. I go to the bathroom. Stand in the shower. Take my horse pill. FORGET TO USE SHAMPOO BECAUSE I'M TOO BUSY THINKING ABOUT WOMEN! Being a man is a curse, beleive me. I always get an NRB on public transportation. NRB? No Reason Boner. Indeed, there is an acronym. Me and some comrades back at l'ecole had a beautiful blonde teacher nicknamed RB. Damnit I'm pruning now. Get out of the shower! I see my neighbor who insists I join him at the cafe! Curses, I cannot play the part of two people. Alright lets make the Janus whole. We arrive at Le Broweur and godamnit it who else would it be but the very people I seek to avoid and hunt every day. I never know when I am hunted or a hunter with these two. Well so be it. Eat my salad woman or don't! Godamn it all to hell... women. Get your tea, make your sandwich. Octoporn, squirt bongs, beastiality, what do people live for? Ephemeral amusement perhaps... well here I am talking about wasting time... Well now we have the two inquiring about the power God had denied them at birth. DONT ASK ME YOU IDIOTS. Ask prometheus! Ask Etienne! But he's gone and won't be back. Everything has a reason and no mortal substitute can compensate! We'll now I am guilty of stealing fire from the Sony Plasma TV Fireplace... And so ends this up until NOW!

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