One More Thing...

One More Thing...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Ne Me Quitte Pas

I will give you pearls of rain
From countries where it never rains
I will dig up the earth even in death
To cover your body with gold and with light
I will make a kingdom
Where love shall be king
Where love shall be law
Where you shall be queen

Saturday, January 16, 2010

From Me to You (A List of Likes)

White socks
Lavender fields
Hiding in plain sight
Hide and go seek at night
Snow falling through a streetlight
Tasting through the steam off of tea
Puncturing the skin of an orange
Drinking juice from a wine glass
Taking time to tie shoes
Piano concertos
Wearing a suit
Midnight cereal
Cold showers before bed
The sound of a door unlocking
A symphony of ticking pocket watches
The smell of a pack of gum after there's none left
Sitting at sidewalk cafes long after I've finished my drink
Reading the directions on shampoo bottles
Climbing a tree until you can go no higher
Holding a pizza on your lap in the car
A head resting on my shoulder
Windowless rooms
Sweet perfumes
Holding hands in the dark
Hearing a far-away dog bark
Launching bottle rockets twelve at a time
Touching one of everything in an aisle at the supermarket
Spending hours on a meal only to watch others enjoy it
Being face-to-face with tomato soup
The taste of sterling silver
Looking up at a tree
Beheading a boiled egg
Trays designed for breakfast in bed
The cracking sounds of a new book being opened
Cleaning out the holes from a hole-puncher
Pulling the hairs off of black clothes
Crying in front of a mirror
Grinding pepper
Pacing in a public bathroom
Pretending I'm being followed
Stealing stirring straws from cafes
Jumping on ketchup packets
Being muddy
Creek water
Deep holes in old trees
Roots that come up from the ground
Building a model out of paper then setting it on fire
Thinking out loud while walking naked around my house
Slipping in the shower and catching myself at the last second
Pushing people around in wheelchairs while we talk
Having a hotel swimming pool to myself
Bed and breakfasts
Practicing faces
Punching through a wall
Flowers in unexpected places
Stars reflected off a pond in the woods
Running until I can't run anymore
Hidden passages in old buildings
Water washing away sand
Walking on thin ice
Sudden urgency
Southern sunsets
Slowly sinking into wet sand
Lying on the beach with a book on my face
When you can see a rainstorm from a distance
The second of blindness after a camera flash
A silent film in a crowded room
Witnessing car accidents
Scaring my brother
Digging holes
White walls
Air dusters
Honey mustard
Watching someone fall asleep
Pretending to take notes
Dirt on my nose
Scavenger hunts
Catching food in my mouth
Burying something and finding it years later
Watching movies together
Sharing my world
Learning truth
Finding love

Friday, January 15, 2010


Is this what madness feels like? Hahaha! I love it! There's an energy in my stomach and it rises slowly up my throat until it comes out of my mouth in the shape of a strained cackle. I throw my head back and try to eat the sky. My fingers. My fingers are the most changed of all. They cannot stay straight. They keep changing shape. Tense and strained like so many caterpillars weaving their cocoons. They claw at something. I fall onto the floor in euphoric agony. Hahaha! God you are a cruel master! But he makes slaves of us all. We must thank him for that. Freedom is a curse you bohemian liberals. Loveless slavery! War or death! SOMETHING MUST HAPPEN! Stand alone. Stand alone and be silently judged! AGHHHH! I can feel the pump of adrenaline through my veins as every muscle tries to escape my body. Writhing with a joyous fervor I've never felt! The music swells! The colors move! Destroy something! Create something! What will it amount to? The world is a joke you idiot. Yes you. IT'S FUNNY! IT'S HILARIOUS! Finally I've let it go. I've slipped. Finally I've admitted to being stupid. I can't understand and no poet or scientist ever will. My bones turn to iron. My muscles turn to slugs. Sinking now. Sinking into the floor of sand. Warmth. A warmth fills my body. I am calm. My body has stopped. My heart beats. Slower and slower. This is incredible. It's like every part of you, inside and out is being tickled. Ants crawl and spiders eat the ants and birds eat the spiders and the birds lay eggs and the eggs hatch and the chicks fall out of the nest and a snake eats the helpless chicks and the snake bites a man who just stepped on an anthill. It's a joke. Ouroborus. It's just a joke. I'm slipping off the ground. Slowly collapsing. Like a snow melting into the ground over the course of a day. Down. Down. Into the ground. My fingers. I haven't blinked. I must write now. I must write this down. I must learn. I can't say this wasn't self-induced. Namdam a fo edisni deppart m'i, pleh.

See Now How The World Cries

Well I haven't said anything about my New Years resolution. And there are parts I won't tell you. It's like making a wish and hoping it comes true; telling people ruins the magic. But I suppose there are some things that I'm willing to share. Firstly, it is my goal to start acting like a gentleman again. It's something that happens over the course of a year. As the weather gets warmer I become more considerate and pleasant to be around. The cold just makes me cynical and depressed. Of course, the hardest part about being chivalrous is finding someone worthy of your chivalry. There are few people I can think of who deserve such a title. Lady. But as a gentleman, you must treat everyone equally with courtesy and respect, regardless of class or grace. "May I help you cross the street" "Could I escort you back to your home" "I don't mean to interpose but you look absolutely radiant" Let me tell you a story about the day I decided to fall in love with every attractive woman I met. I would walk up to any woman of notable exception and introduce myself thusly: "Excuse me, I couldn't help but see you smile from across the room. You are by far one of the most beautiful women I've ever had the pleasure to lay eyes upon. Good day." Then I would bow and walk away. Every time I evoked some sort of nervous laughter and, on occasion, even name-calling. But it was not the act itself that was important. It was the stares I got from these beauties afterwards that made my heart soar. I assure you, there are still some romantics out there who still long for a knight in shining armor, and I was prepared to slay any dragon in any kingdom near or far just for that look. I could see in their eyes a certain wonder and excitement at my unexpected act of kindness. Perhaps it was not for me per se, but for that decent quality in men. That quality that makes every woman feel like a lady. But to admit it to their friends? Never! Sadly the world has lost it's appetite for table manners and polite conversation. Ah mon cher compatriote, while the women of this world secretly desire a decent hard-working man, they only chase after the men who ignore and abuse them. How self-destructive feminine youth are today. It makes my stomach churn. I say with absolute modesty and a fair amount of certainty that I can treat a woman better than most men my age, but what do I get for it? Rejection, a nervous laugh, a mockery. Its hard being a 21st century gentleman. Especially when there are so few true ladies about. It's why I've all but given up.
In my Junior year of high school our Theater department put on the stage adaptation of the Charles Dickens masterpiece Great Expectations. I played Mr. Jaggers (seen in the picture), the lawyer who delivers young Pip to London for him to become a gentleman. I learned alot from that play. Especially that women are tender things that the world treats harshly. All I want is to protect. All I want is to protect.

#19. A real gentleman never backs off when he's challenged, always standing up for himself and his values.

I'll be a gentleman again. Even if it means warm dishonesty, staunch courtesy, and showering daily.

"And the communication I have got to make is, that he has Great Expectations."

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Just Words

One is the loneliest number. But that's the way we get by. I'm listening to Brittany Murphy sing Faster Kill Pussycat. The song that introduced me to Paul Oakenfold and I never even realized it featured her. I'm a little sadder now. I've made a playlist with one song from all of my favorite bands. It's just about reached 200 songs. I have very little to complain about. I realize that I truthfully am very accepting of all art forms. I think it has to do with me as an actor. I have to be able to justify any point of view. If I play an 18 year old serial killer I have to be able to say "he deserved it" will full conviction. If I play a middle-aged transvestite I have to be able to put on heels and enjoy it. If I play a dying grandfather I have to cry about my wasted life as if it had already passed. I'm convinced that every human being has their own sanity as long as they are human. Any portrait or sculpture has a purpose and justification for existing. Every song or strum of the guitar is beautiful to somebody. Each short story or gossip column has its value. Each photograph has its unspoken words. I see the best in things. I suppose its my biggest flaw. So I hide it. I'm argumentative, critical, and sometimes I'm just mean. Plain old mean. I just want the world to know that I'm constantly making the conscious decision to disagree.
I love beauty. And I'm very good at seeing beauty in all things. And by some jealous urge I suppress my compliments and instead point out flaws. If I just said that everything was dandy nothing would happen. The artist would be content and stop there. By some sort of deep-seated altruism in my heart I want people to succeed above all. Telling them they aren't doing enough pushes any self-respecting artist to that success. The greatest compliment I've ever received was from my acting teacher last year: "You're a thinker. Stop that."
I love you all more than you can know. I just show it in a very... VERY different way. If your wondering what the picture is about, its Russian surgeon Leonid Rogozov performing an auto-appendectomy in an Antarctic military base when no other trained staff were available for months. He didn't use anesthetics. The surgery lasted an hour and forty-five minutes and he never lost consciousness. What a guy.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Oh boy oh boy oh boy do I have a tale for you! Finally I've got something worth sharing rather than just complaining about life and women. Hooray! The tale begins with my taking leave of my house. Parents sister brother dog goodbye. It's 6:12. Take the the train. Oh the train. NJ Transit could be a string of tin cans on wheels and I would still love it. The people the sights the sounds. I may prefer public transportation to any other method of travel. I am hungry though. I get to New Brunswick making calls all the way. Contemplate getting food at DD. Nah. Make my way to the cafe. Witness a car crash. Taxi driver gets out and unwittingly starts yelling at the unconscious man in the drivers seat of the other car. His head surrounded by a white halo of the airbag. Other people help. I stop to see but remember that it's best not to get involved. Not with my name. I can hear the Indian screaming still as I walk silently away. I'm indecisive. I buy a sandwich. Keep in I'm my inside coat pocket. I can feel the warmth of it in my heart. Its cold. I have a scarf but no gloves. But no gloves. After a short detour I get to where I'm going. Walk inside. Well this is familiar. I can hear the rhythm from outside. I go downstairs. When there are people not moving on the stairs its a bad sign. I survey. I survey. Its a typical crowd. Typical. These people are so alike and yet each thinks they are special. People I do not know personally become clones. I assume to much and know too little. When everyone is special nobody is. Your just in a room filled with like-minded people. Clones. Different. HA! I love them all for it. We're thrown around in a sea of clones. Good-willed clones. I fall. The clones help me up. They all move rhythmically bobbing their heads. I enjoy the music. Its best to close your eyes and pretend the room is empty. The band plays for you. WHAT DOES IT MEAN. Hear without ears. I need to go soon. But no. We move on. Next dungeon awaits. This one is different. Its filled with ghosts. I don't know what to think here. So I yell at my phone and leave. It's 11:30 Back at the station. Waiting a long time. Waiting. For a train. It's 12:34. A gay couple both sporting extravagant facial hair discuss the proper way to decorate their friends living room. Foam board covered with fabric. I'm trying to listen but your moustache is distracting me. The train comes. I get on. It's a long trip. I do some of my best thinking on trains. I don't know why. 1:30. I arrive. New York City. Here I am. Need to get to 92nd before 3. I must try. I must try. I take an E. This must be wrong. I get out. I walk to Columbus Square. Central park. Its only 52nd. It's 2:07. Must find another subway. I'm walking through the streets. People look. Guy thinks I'm following him. He starts walking faster. I see him later enter an Adult Entertainment Shop. I keep seeing them. It's nighttime in the city. Filled with lusty old men. A wall of naked women. I pity them. I feel nothing but sadness. It's too cold to be sad. I MUST RUN. RUN. Its so cold.... I'm lost and cold and surrounded by disgusting haunting images. I don't like it here. GET ME OUT! I find a subway. Any train will do. GET ME OUT! Okay I'm on 86th now. Its west. Oh no. Oh no. I'm on the wrong side of Manhattan. It's 2:35. I CAN'T GIVE UP! RUN RUN RUN! I start to cross Central Park. WHO THE FUCK PUTS A FUCKING LAKE HERE! I never even realized how likely it would have been for me to be mugged or worse. I just ran. Ran. I find the other side of 92nd. East. Finally. Madison. No. Park. No. Lexington oh sweet Lord yes. You have delivered me. It's 2:56. My long lost friend awaits to sign me into this boarding house of sorts. I just need rest. Rest. I meet his roommate. He cannot read. Cheesy Bread and Running Naked Through Princeton. My kinda guy. I sleep on the floor. The cold hard floor. It's still cold. NYC is trying to kill me. He snores. OH FUCK HE SNORES. My only weakness... I cannot sleep I cannot sleep I cannot sleep. ... I cannot. ... .. . sleep I... ... .. ..... . . . . . . . I wake up. Get dressed. Cheap breakfast. I Pay. Cupcake. Delicious. Time to take out pants of on a subway. Meet on Avenue of the Strongest. Receive instructions. We are Team 0 on the 1 Train to Times Square. I take off my pants. This time I embrace the cold. Kill me now New York. Just try. People stare. Me and friends from the school embark. It's liberating. It's hilarious. If only every day could be this way. Afterwards we meet in Union Square. Go to a liquor store. Without pants. Without pants. Walking around NYC. We find a Korean Karaoke Club. We get a room all to ourselves. Allow me to describe the scene. This is officially the most borderline homosexual experience I've ever had. 5 single men in one private karaoke room with two bottles of wine a one of vodka. Nobody is wearing pants and we're singing Beyonce. We've finally had enough. Walking around still with no pants. We buy berets. Now we are Scottish. For a few hours. This is excellent. He pees in the subway. White Pizza and Methamphetamines. Please do tell me about your insane ex-girlfriend. We all have them right? RIGHT? Hmm... I get a Sorbet. And new money. I've spent too much again. Haha but I love it. Puerto Rican tries to get number from one of us. He's never looked so scared before in his life. Drunks everywhere. Others join in and remove pants. Why isn't everyone always this open and kind? Why do we need alcohol to expose this lovely side of life? I don't. People ask me alot if I'm drunk. I'm usually not. I just live more than you do. We take the train back. Still no pants. Six grown men sitting on the train all squished in between seats. Talk about male-bonding. I never get sick of people. I'm endlessly fascinated with them even if they get me upset. It's when people deny me access that I get angry. I get home. I sleep. These are the days...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

What You Want To Hear

It's hard to carry on. But the struggle the struggle. Makes is worthwhile. The climb not the summit. The rehearsals not the performance. The ideas not the products. Life not death. All I've told myself all my life. I rehearse. Rehearse. Memorize my lines. Build my character. People know. Think they know. But they don't. I don't. I should care but everyone says I shouldn't. "It's just life" they say. Just life? JUST LIFE? Life holds precedent above all! Why shouldn't I be concerned about life? I can't just live! I want to thrive! I could let each day slip away but then every day would just be today. I want to look back and forward. Carpe Diem. Idiots. Carpe Diem. Fools believe in Carpe Diem. Bohemians. What is a day? It's defined by sleep. I consider times between sleep as days. Only when I'm asleep is it night. I've gone a week without sleep. Just a day. One day. I consider it one day because it is a single string of memory in my mind. But I didn't want to live for just that day. I wanted to live for every day. I wanted to learn from mistakes. I want to progress! I want to grow! I want to see how I'm doing. Most people are unintelligent because they live for the moment. Imagine if you always lived for the moment. You would be happy as can be but it amounts to having short-term memory loss. Straws... I like to take straws from cafes. I chew on them incessantly. I don't know why. What ever happened to Frankie Muniz? Architecture I my favorite art form. It is the most powerful. Hands down. Cranberry Apple is my new favorite juice. Today I already ate some French Vanilla Yogurt. An Activia Yogurt with Sugar in it. A bowl of Cinnammon Toast Crunch. Two slices of White Toast, one with Butter and Muenster Cheese and the other with Maple Honey Ham and Mustard. Activia is for Women. Maybe I'll become "regular." Whatever the FUCK that means. Women... I would hate to be a woman... too much responsibility. They have so much power over men. So much power. So it's my duty to deceive them when I can. It's kind of a sport I guess. Retribution of a sorts. I was always picked on by girls in grade school. It's not fair. But pretty women... all the SAME. I try to see without eyes. So I apologize. Haha but it is a board-chairman's apology, given liberally and cheaply to employees after a death in the family. The world is a business. It has been since man crawled out of the slime. But even more than you think. IBM and ITT, Dupont and Dow sure. But I mean interpersonal relationships have there own little system of transactions and investments. The world is a business. Think on that. I'm off to visit the cold caves of echoes, then to a city of lights where I will be stripped of pretense. All the while missing. Missing. Hah. Je ne manquerais pas.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Crows Eat Meat

There is a darkness for every light. The Law of Conservation of Matter applies to all things. For every moment I am contented and happy, there is a soul out there in the world that is starved and despairing. It isn't fair. It isn't fair. And I live for the day. Carpe Diem. The phone rings. I am a sinner. HOW DARE I! The phone rings. I don't deserve any of your mercy oh lord... why can't I feel the misery? I pick up the phone and hear a man. What is this forced silence of emotion I build within myself? "Hello" Is this even ever worth it? "Yes I was just wondering if you could help me" I can hear you calling out but I CANNOT FEEL! "I've been feeling depressed lately and I've had suicidal thoughts" I want to help. I want to help. But nothing lasts. I say. KILL YOURSELF. I hang up the phone. This world is hell and heaven. If you see it to be hell, escape it. If you see it to be heaven, live it. I am stuck. I am the poet Virgil. I can only see with eyes and hear with ears. When I speak it is nothing worth saying. Full of lies. Full of lies. My world is beautiful in my mind. Is it a crime to try and make the world part of my dream? IS IT A CRIME TO TELL YOU FAIRY TALES? Is it a crime for me to be happy? It is. Right now, to be sure, there is a starving child somewhere in the world. Lost their way. Nobody who cares for them. And here I sit wallowing in my sickening self-pity. Just because I cannot SEE doesn't mean I cannot UNDERSTAND. For me to be happy under these extenuating circumstances is borderline insanity. Insanity. Insanity. I am human. I am human. It could have been me, me, me, me, ... me. It isn't fair. And you'll say "But you can't live life than way Clamence! You must smell the flowers as they are and not dwell on thoughts of destitution. We must live in ignorance of suffering!" But in your heart. In your own dark, disgusting, broken... human heart you know it to be true. So never call me. Never give me positive thoughts again. Your a fake Clamence. Your a fake. But you ACKNOWLEDGE IT! HAHA AND THEREIN LIES MY VICTORY! I acknowledge that I am a fake! I CAN SEE! I PRETEND AND LIE AND CHEAT! HAHA! I AM HUMAN AFTER ALL! But there are those... oh there are those that need to be judged and be brought to reality. Reality is not easy or hard. It withstands opinion. It is you! YOU! THE ACTOR! THE JANUS! YOU ARE A FRAUD! YOU ARE A LIE! You dare to live, dare to dream, dare to see without seeing! See without eyes! Sinners. Sinners the whole rotten lot of you... the world swarms with a walking feast for crows. Your corrupted bodies perfumed and hidden beneath sheer silks. The ravens will devour you. They will peck at the carrion. And men will cry. Until the birds come, my deluded ravings will have to suffice. I am the two-faced raven. Until the birds come. Run and hide. Run and hide. I am the two-faced raven.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Word "Honey"

Honey. Please honey don't go! Well she won't ever. I'll promise you that. You see, honey never goes bad. It stays forever in its warm succulent state, golden and soft. Today I returned to US. By rights I should be asleep right now due to the time difference but I just drank a hell of a alot of Ocean Spray and the sugar rush is keeping me from passing out. It's been a while so let me recap the past few days. More relatives. Visited Uncle Hans and Aunt Elsa who used to be fashion designers. Interesting because I just saw "The September Issue" on my plane ride back. Don't judge me, I was bored. Lies: I actually secretly still watch Project Runway. Let's just say it made the fashion industry seem alot less menacing when you had a fat man with a camera following around Anne Wintour all day. Anyhow they (Hans and Elsa) have a very nice house with many antiques and on more than one occasion was I tempted to pilfer something here and there. But morals got the best of me. DAMN YOU MORALS. They said the place was haunted by French ghosts. French. "Boo! I ave come to haunt you from ze grave!" I don't think that would frighten me very much. I once did very much believe in spirits and such things because I watched a little too much television in those days, but the explanation for such phenomenon is far too simple. It is memory. Lost souls that have been forgotten and still long to be remembered. But they themselves have left this earth and do not will it. It is your own mind that subconsciously acknowledges this presence and materializes it in some sort of "supernatural" event. We want these things to happen. We confabulate. CONFABULATE. Look it up... Our minds are more powerful than we think. That sentence had circular reasoning. Give that to an epistemologist. They would have a field day. A land of milk and honey. Moving on: we moved on to a Hilton Hotel. Not bad. I know my hotels too. I did work in one after all. THOSE WERE THE DAYS... Excuse me I was reminiscing. Well long story short my entire family got some sort of stomach virus except for me after having eaten at a Chinese Buffet and they are all still stuck in Holland except for me and my Father who was forced to return for work. So now I'm alone in this echoing cave of a building I call "home." The promised land. WHY IS IT SO FUCKING COLD! I love when my dad gives me money and says "Son, go do something useful with this" and then goes to bed. Was on the train heading to Hamilton when I hear the unmistakable laugh of an acquaintance. The laughter follows me. It haunts me. Like the French. AHA! Goodnight ... that honey on toast looks so good!